Thursday, July 02, 2009


I like to practice listening to songs. Our chapter uses learning CD's/Tapes to teach new songs. It was a lot easier to learn when the CD in my truck worked, but now it is old and slow and sometimes stops mid stream. Oh I stll find other ways toi try to learns songs and things of that sort. I love looking at the music. It has these neet little lines with dots and holes on them. several years ago I found that they were secret codes to be interprted by my Buck Rogers decoder ring. Then some teacher spoiled it all when she explained they all had different meanings depending on which one of the lines they were on an the shape of them. By shape some had flags, sort of like storm warning flags. The more flags the faster the wind goes. If the the were big round circles it was a sunny day to be enjoyed slowly. There are other things on the page that tell me to breath, slow down, stop for a second or two, but it the ups and downs that really get me. Why does almost ever director tell me that we are going flat when the holes are still round and we are supposed to be riding on top of them. Boy if this doesn't take the cake. If they were dashes would we be right to be flat? So now you know one of my first secrets of reading music, The more flags the faster you go.

New to Blogging.

Oh boy I'm a blogger now. I'll be darned but I have always thought this would be fun. Where else can I say what I want and exercise my free speech and be told I am full of it. That is on such a large scale. I hope this venture will fun and I hope those who read all this will enjoy and possible share in the fun.